Imaginarium created the poster for the legendary Carneval Darsena, a side event of the Viareggio Carnival.
To tell you the story of this work, we leave you the words of journalist Umberto Guidi, written for "La Nazione".
"A "pink" signature for the 2018 Carnevaldarsena poster. The author is Francesca Pasquinucci, graphic designer and illustrator, art director, and visual developer of Imaginarium Creative Studio. The young artist from Viareggio, who already has important works behind her, most recently the graphic design for "Alchemaya," Max Gazzè's 'syntonic' work, was chosen, say the Darsena District officials, "because we knew her seafaring style, which she confirmed in her poster, and because we were pleased with a tribute to women, which also returns in the subject."
It is the first Carnevaldarsena poster designed by a woman.
"This thing of being the first made me very happy," comments the author, "that is why I thought of a kind of tribute to women, a contemporary reinterpretation of Ondina. The graphic and chromatic solutions of the poster are in the sign of my style, which we could call 'pop': I had in mind to propose something festive and at the same time elegant."
In the center of the poster, which quotes Ondina's colors, stands a female figure in profile, wearing a shell as a headdress, while two octopuses weave their tentacles around an anchor. In the background of a giant yellow moon are two fishing boats, other identifying features of the Dock." (From La Nazione - January 2017)